Who is Computer Rich?
I am the type of person who wants to know everything about everything. I have been learning what to do (and unfortunately what not to do) with computer since 2001. Some of my other clients include USPS, Hilton Hotels, Philips Electronics, Morgan Stanley, AT&T and Best Buy, just to name a few.
Yes, believe it or not, I installed the Geek Squad’s server and all of the register touch screens and point of sale pin pads! Just to be fair, the equipment is under contract and they don’t have authorization to service the equipment. Still, I can’t help but to chuckle each time I go there.

Working with Computer Rich
Remember to Laugh Today!
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August Newsletter
COMPUTER RICH is often asked, "How did my computer get infected with malware?" Unfortunately, the answer is often, "Because you gave it permission to come in." That is why COMPUTER RICH is talking about SOCIAL [...]
August Newsletter
8 WAYS TO PROTECT YOUR PC FROM MALWARE: 1. Make sure you have a good anti-virus and keep it up to date. 2. Be aware of what you are downloading or installing on your PC. [...]
July Newsletter
Computer Rich Recommends (Or not): Review: Voltix 13000mAh Dual-USB Battery Back-Up COMPUTER RICH is on the phone, one way or the other, all day long. If not talking with tech support for lengthy periods [...]
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